I sell items which are associated in some way with my stories. The story-copyright is not for sale.


storye book title rollover with image of doubletoothed narwhal

Batch 1, story 26a


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small mouse ornament: closeup of head from right

small mouse ornament: view from front

small mouse ornament: back view

small mouse ornament: threequarters view of right/front side

small mouse ornament: view from front

small mouse ornament: view of right side

small mouse ornament: right side



A whole sea had fallen out of the sky. There were floods everywhere. The town was a puddle with houses sticking out, and the sun turned it into a big, shining mirror.

“I don't want to wear my wellies,” said Zeba.

Zeba came back into the kitchen. It smelled of fried eggs and soap. The sink was full of bubbles.

“There's a mouse in my boot,” said Zeba. “No there isn't,” said Mum.

Mum picked up the dusty, black boot in the hall. The sun shone through the yellow and pink glass in the front door, and made the suds on Mum's arms glitter when the bubbles popped. She put a fat, wet arm in the boot.

“It's just a shoe-lace,” said Mum.

When she held up the shoe-lace, it had a brown, hairy rat on the end. It just hung there with surprised eyes, and an open, pink mouth, and the sort of teeth that film actors don't have. Mum had the same look on her face. Mum and the rat stayed still for ages under the yellow and pink spotlight. Zeba waited.

Mum slopped into the garden in her slippers, and threw her soapy arm back to bowl. The rat whipped about on the end of its tail, fighting the air, its mouth stretching and biting.

The rat flew, turning over and over like a football, up into the sky and down into next-door's cellar window.

“Goal,” said Mum.

Copyright 1991 © LS


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small mouse ornament: threequarters view of right/front side

small mouse ornament: closeup of head from left

small mouse ornament: view from front

small mouse ornament: back view

small mouse ornament: threequarters view of right/front side

small mouse ornament: view from front

small mouse ornament: view of right side

small mouse ornament: view of base





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small mouse ornament: threequarters view of right/front side