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storyebook title rollover with image of doubletoothed narwhal

Batch 2, story 10


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wade natwest money box panda: right side view

wade natwest money box panda: closeup of cub face

wade natwest money box panda: front view

wade natwest money box panda: right side view

wade natwest money box panda: view of top

wade natwest money box panda: closeup of panda face

wade natwest money box panda: front view

wade natwest money box panda: view of base.  base says WADE ENGLAND. plug says NATWEST.

wade natwest money box panda: closeup of cub face

wade natwest money box panda: front view

wade natwest money box panda: front view



The wedding was supposed to be a quiet one, but the registry office was full. As the guests spilled out onto the rainy pavement for the photos, the colourful picture they made was as loud as those orange autumn leaves which fell on them like confetti. Panda's father strode out first, resplendent and proud in his grey suit. He was followed by her enormous mother and sisters, laughing and magnificent in purple and yellow silk, like carnival floats. Mark's mother came next, serious in her navy suit and sensible shoes, picking her way around the puddles.

Now came the bride and groom, running and splashing through the wet: Panda with her great, dark, loving eyes looming out of a cloud of white satin, grinning too much for any kind of modest photo – and Mark too, who could run gaily with a new bride, and still glance at his new red Porsche, to make sure it was still there. And there it was, parked at the end of a rainbow. Sun and rain: what a wedding day.

Colourful speeches were made at the reception, too. Here is part of Mark's:

“Today we have united two families and two cultures. I am so proud that my beautiful and famous Panda has proved to the world that mixed race means – not two half-cultures – but double-value: the full benefits of two great nations. It is that fine, non-English singing-voice that brought her all those gold discs. But she sings the music of our own culture, giving it a richness it never had before. And in return I hope my humble business skills can justify her father's great generosity in making me the heir to his global business. . .”

After the clapping, he sat down and looked deep into his wife's gentle eyes – but not before he had glanced out of the window. That Porsche was always parked where he could see it.

Later, Panda was dressing to leave for the honeymoon, in cerise and yellow silk. Her mother came to help her wind the jewelled headscarf around her hair.

“My sweet, here is a present to remember your family by,” she said. “It's your grandmother's diamond ring. She was a strong woman. She cleared her land, built up her farm, and brought up three children alone. Now you will need to be an even stronger woman. Remember how your first husband disappeared.”

“Oh mother, times have changed. Robbie was an embezzler. Now I am a star. I have a husband who will not leave me so long as he is Dad's heir. Times have changed. Dad will be kinder to him. I will have no problems.”

As the Porsche roared away from the waving crowd, Panda looked back.

“Turn away, girl. You're my woman now.”

Mark grinned at her, but he was hissing between his clenched teeth. Panda looked at him.

“I was only waving goodbye.”

“Yup. It's goodbye to them, and hello to me.”

He stopped the car at a lay-by. Panda's arms rose to hug him, but he hit her.


“Where did you get that ring? What a rock. Give it to me. You are my wife. If I say give, you give. And what was that you were saying about your brother? I heard you. You were plotting.”

“My brother? When?”

“ I heard you. You were talking to your father. The firm is my business now. Your brother is dead. He's gone.”

His face was pale, and his whole body was rigid. She went to hug him again, and he brushed her away.

“I know nothing about business. Dad was saying that trade was low at the moment. My brother's plan had been to plough back –“

“There will be no more ploughing back. It's all a plot to deny me any income.”

He was speaking through clenched teeth, and his lips were drawn back into a rictus of a smile. He shuddered, turned round and looked at her. She became very still. Suddenly he lashed out and punched her twice, in both eyes.

“Panda,” he said. “shut up. I am boss now.”

Outside the sun was low, and brighter than ever. They passed a wall covered in a scarlet vine. The raindrops on the windscreen shone with many colours, and the wipers just smeared rainbows across the glass. Mark gripped the wheel tightly as they drove off. It was difficult to see where he was going.

Copyright 2003 © LS

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wade natwest money box panda: view of left side

wade natwest money box panda: left side view

wade natwest money box panda: closeup of cub face

wade natwest money box panda: front view

wade natwest money box panda: left side view

wade natwest money box panda: view of top

wade natwest money box panda: closeup of panda face

wade natwest money box panda: front view

wade natwest money box panda: view of base.  base says WADE ENGLAND. plug says NATWEST.

wade natwest money box panda: closeup of cub face

wade natwest money box panda: front view

wade natwest money box panda: closeup of cub face




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maker's mark on base says: WADE ENGLAND

on the plug it says: NATWEST, with the natwest logo.